Tighten Your Midsection in Time for Swimsuit Season


If you are worried about the appearance of your midsection during the upcoming swimsuit season, you may want to consider Pelleve skin tightening treatments. Our noninvasive procedure will smooth and tighten your skin for a more youthful appearance. There is no reason to look anything less than your best! Enjoy the confidence that comes with the tight, toned body you’ve always desired!

What Is Pelleve Skin Tightening and How Does It Work?

Pelleve skin tightening is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes safe, infrared light or radio frequency to warm the skin deep beneath its surface, in the layer called the dermis. The heat triggers the production of collagen and elastin which work to rejuvenate and strengthen your skin, leaving it looking more firm and youthful!

Pelleve skin tightening works well to improve all areas of the body where you desire tighter skin, including the diet and exercise resistant midsection. You may see some immediate results and should continue to see improvement over the next 3-6 months. Best of all, you’ll enjoy results that last!

When Is Pelleve Indicated?

Pelleve treatments work well for women and men who are concerned about loose, sagging skin, regardless of the skin type or tone. Nearly everyone can enjoy superior skin tightening results.

Pelleve skin tightening has been shown to improve the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and on the face, neck, and chest. It also works to correct sagging jowls, neck laxity, overall facial laxity and looseness, and body skin looseness.

Your Consultation

As with any procedure, it’s best to schedule your consultation with us to determine if Pelleve treatments are right for you. We will start by discussing your desired goals and outcomes. We will take your medical history and examine your skin to determine whether you are a good candidate for Pelleve skin tightening. We will discuss your expectations, and together, we will decide on your best treatment options.

Are You Ready for Swimsuit Season?

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Bambhania to learn more about our Pelleve skin tightening treatments. Get ready to enjoy swimsuit season with confidence! Call us today!